Support the Arts at Serviam

A fundraiser for Serviam Girls Academy

$3,935 raised from 25 donors

$6,000 goal

Bring the ARTS to Seviam with 'Math, Music and Makers'

Serviam is planning to introduce Art-Integrated lessons to its curriculum to create a more engaging and creative educational experience for students! 

What is arts integration?
Arts integration is an approach to teaching in which students learn and demonstrate understanding through an art form. Building on the similarities between different subject areas, lessons have dual objectives that include the art form and the content knowledge.

Our 'Math, Music and Makers' program will change the way concepts are learned and practiced, bringing excitement to the Serviam classrooms to help our scholars soar.

Donate this Giving Tuesday to support the Arts at Serviam Girls Academy!

About Serviam Girls Academy

Mission: Cultivating the potential of young women through a challenging, holistic education rooted in the Ursuline tradition. Vision: Empowering young women, changing the world.

Serviam Girls Academy is a tuition-free private middle school, exclusively serving under-resourced young women in our community, located in downtown Wilmington, DE. Serviam provides an exceptional education with small classes, an extended school day, and an extended school year.  The school model includes a comprehensive enrichment program and a graduate support program to help facilitate success among its alumnae. Ninety-nine percent of our high school aged students are on track to graduate on time, and more than 80% of our college aged graduates are enrolled in college.